Class Calendar

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Diary of Anne Frank Project

“The Diary of Anne Frank”
Culminating Project
You will complete four separate pieces of work for this Culminating Project:
**2 Essay Responses
**1 Collage (you may work with one partner or solo on this)
**1 Found Poem
For a total of 100 POINTS   (25 for each of the four parts)
DUE DATE:  __________________


Choose two of the following essay questions below, and write a response that is at least  ONE PAGE. 

These responses can be handwritten on standard lined paper – single spaced,
or typed double-space in a standard font (such as Times New Roman, or Calibri– nothing that is all capitals) and NO LARGER THAN SIZE 12 FONT & standard  margins..

1.   Compare the play version of “The Diary of Anne Frank” to the movie version that we watched in class.  Consider some of the following questions in your comparison:
§  How did the actors compare to how you imagined they were when you read the play?
§  Identify some of the differences between the play you read to the one you watched (for example:  additions, omissions).  How did these differences affect your opinions?
§  Would you recommend either the movie or the play?  Which one, why?
§  What could have made the movie better?

2.  Anne Frank said, “I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart.”
§  What does that mean?  Do you agree with Anne?  Why or why not?  Give SPECIFIC reasons and examples to support your argument. 
[Hint:  Think of current events, historical events, your personal experiences, etc.]

3.  Anna's Dilemma:  What Would You Do?
Not all Germans supported the Nazi program. Some actively opposed it. Others were silent in their opposition. Some were put to the test. Anna is a German citizen who lives with her husband, Wilhelm, and their three small children in a comfortable home in Munich, Germany. Munich in 1938 is a center of Nazi activity in Germany. Anna's husband is a high-ranking civil service employee and a member of the Nazi party. Wilhelm's high paying job was a reward for his loyalty to the party. Although Anna leads a comfortable life and is happily married, she disagrees with the Nazi philosophy and her husband's party activities. She especially deplores the anti-Jewish laws and decrees that Hitler's government has imposed.
During her childhood, Anna's family developed deep friendships with a number of Jewish families in their town, and Anna learned to respect their cultural and religious differences. By 1938, the Nuremberg laws are in effect and Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass" has recently occurred. Jews in Germany have systematically been stripped of their political, economic, and social rights. Some Jews are attempting to leave the country to avoid what they consider to be eventual catastrophe.
One night, a friend of Anna's approaches her and explains that he is secretly hiding Jews in Munich until he can find transportation for them to leave Germany. This is risky business because it is considered a racial crime against the folk, the German people. Anna's friend asks her to help her by hiding two members of a Jewish family who are wanted by the Nazis. He explains that because of Wilhelm's position, nobody would suspect Anna. Also, Anna's property includes a rarely used guest house located in a wooded corner. Anna is offered about 500 dollars for her cooperation.
Anna is aware than if caught, she and her family could face serious consequences. Also, she could jeopardize her husband's good job and her family's security. On the other hand, she realizes that what the Nazis are doing to the Jews, with widespread public support, is morally wrong. She has long believed that those who remain silent when human rights are being violated are also guilty. Anna's friend tells her that he will come back the next morning for her decision.
Questions to consider in your essay response…
1.                What values come into conflict in this story?
2.            What is Anna's responsibility to her husband? Children? The Jews? The government?' The law? Which is greatest? Explain.
3.            Should Anna agree to hide Jews?
4.            How frequently do you think this kind of situation occurred? Why?
5.            Evaluate the following statement "All that is necessary for evil to win out over good is for good men to do nothing." How does this relate to Anna's dilemma?


Working with ONE partner, or on your own, you will create a collage on one of the following themes:
~  Or one of your choosing…

A collage is defined as:  a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope. “ (

§   Keeping the definition of a collage in mind, you will completely fill a sheet of paper that is a minimum of 12” x 18”.   (This will be provided.  You may create a larger collage if you wish.)
§   Somewhere on your collage you must have the theme that you have chosen clearly labeled.
§   You may use magazine or newspaper pictures, letters from a variety of sources, words or phrases from newspapers or magazines, or your own quality illustrations.  Feel free to bring in your own magazines or materials if you wish.
§   The materials must all be securely affixed to your paper.
§   A collage contains a collection of various materials, so simply writing your word on your paper, and coloring the rest of the paper will not work.


Choose one of the ten Anne Frank quotes below, and rearrange her words into a new order to create a poem with a different message.
          ~  Remember that poems do not have to have complete sentences.
          ~ Remember also that most poems do not rhyme – that’s ok!
          ~  It’s alright if you have a couple of leftover words, but do the best you can to use                                      them all.  (list all of the words that you have left over)
          ~ Don’t just jam all the words together – it should make some sense.

An example created by Mrs. Doughty:

Anne’s original quote:  Now he clings to me, and for the time being, I don’t see any way of shaking him off and putting him on his own feet.  When I realized that he could not be a friend for my understanding.  I thought I would at least try to lift him up out of his narrowmindedness and make him do something with his youth.”

The Poem:
The narrowmindedness of his youth clings to me.
With time I thought my understanding would make him be a friend.
I realized that I could do something to lift him up,
At least not try putting him off for now…
And shaking him!
And I don’t see any way of him being on his own feet.

Leftover words:
When, he, and, and, he, for, out, his

1]  “The sun is shining, the sky is a deep blue, there is a lovely breeze and I’m longing – so longing- for everything.  To talk, for freedom, for friends, to be alone.  And I do so long… to cry!  I feel as if I’m going to burst, and I know that it would get better with crying, but I can’t.  I’m restless, I go from one room to the other, breathe through the crack of a closed window, feel my heart beating, as if it is saying, ‘Can’t you satisfy my longings at last?’”
2]  “A thought:  We miss so much here, so very much and for so long now:  I miss it too, just as you do.  I’m not talking of outward things, for we are looked after in that way; no, I mean the inward thins.  Like you, I long for freedom and fresh air, but I believe now that we have ample compensation for our privations.  I realized quite suddenly when I sat in front of the window this morning .  I mean inward compensation.”

3]  “So long as I have that happiness here, the joy in nature, health and a lot more besides, all the while one has that, one can always recapture happiness.  Riches can all be lost, but that happiness in your own heart can only be veiled, and it will still bring you happiness again, as long as you live.  As log as you can look fearlessly up into the heavens, as long as you know that you are pure within, and that you will still find happiness.”
4]  “How can he, who loves peace and quiet, have any liking for all my bustle and din?  Can he possibly be the first and only one to have looked through my concrete armor?  And will it take him long to get there?  Isn’t there an old saying that love often springs from pity, of that the two go hand in hand?  Is that the case with me too?  Because I’m often just as sorry for him as I am for myself.”
5]  “Is there anything more beautiful in the world than to sit before an open window and enjoy nature, to listen to the birds singing, feel the sun of your cheeks, and have a darling boy in your arms?  It is so soothing and peaceful to feel his arms around me, to know that he is close by and yet to remain silent, it can’t be bad, for this tranquility is good.  Oh, never to be disturbed again.”
6]  “’What, oh, what is the use of the war?  Why can’t people live peacefully together?  Why all this destruction?’  The question is very understandable, but no one has found a satisfactory answer t o it so far.  Yes, why do they make still more gigantic planes, still heavier bombs … Why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there’s not a penny available for medical services, artists or the poor people?”

7]  “I don’t believe that the big men, the politicians alone are guilty of war.  Oh no, the little man is just as guilty, otherwise the peoples of the world would have risen in revolt long ago!  There’s in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage, and until all mankind without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will still be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated, and grown will have to begin all over again.”
8]  “I am young and I possess many buried qualities, I am young and strong and am living a great adventure, I am still in the midst of it and can’t grumble the whole day long.  I have been given a lot, a happy nature, a great deal of cheerfulness and strength.  Every day I feel that I am developing inwardly, that the liberation is drawing nearer and how beautiful nature is, how good the people are about me, how interesting this adventure is!  Why, then should I be in despair?”
9]  “We all live, but we don’t know the why or the wherefore.  We all live with the object of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same… we have the chance to learn, the possibility of attaining something, we have all reason to hope for much happiness, but… we must earn it for ourselves.  And that is never easy.  You must work and do good, not be lazy and gamble if you wish to earn happiness.  Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.”
10]  “How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad.  Then, without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time.  Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful.  Whoever doesn’t know it must learn and find by experience that: ‘A quit conscience makes one strong!’”